Thursday, October 4, 2012

Challenger's Edge & Opening Story... In a Nutshell (Old)

Russel: What's up people? Russel here..
I'm just going to make this.. as brief as possible..

*Clears Throat*

Challenger's Edge is an Amatuer Brawl Machinima made by Furball.... SiscoCentral1915.. or TheWildChallenger101 meh.. you get the idea..
He was inspired greatly by some guy named.. Tigura21
He is the founder of The Most Popular Brawl "Anime" out there..
Smash King

Furball has been watching the episodes for quite some time.. and he brought it upon himself to actually try to make his own..
But unfortunately... This takes alot of practice since he is the only one to actually body act the characters there..

He still needs Voice Actors neitherless and wants to make this.. "as great as Tigura's"..
Ha.. with the crap he has.. how in the hell is he going to pull that off? XD
But yeah..
My cousin Tin is the other main character of the story... While I.. am the one hosting the series and would probably make small as hell cameos in some scenes.. Well.. if Furball allows me anyways <_<

Alright.. Now for the story.. Challenger's Edge.. is about Green Cap.. um.. Link.. >_>
He wants to get back to his.. Princess Zelda?.. Who the hell is that?..
Anyway.. Unfortunately he and Zelda gotten seperated by some strange force or whatever and was transported to some weird place with grass or whatever.. Zelda remains in a dark place hoping for Link to return or whatever.. Link apparently wants to do whatever it takes to get back to her... and so on..
Typical Green Cap... Juuuuust Typical.. -_-
But hey.. if it's the pretty girl that needs saving, I'd take it XD
But yeah.. thats what's going on at Link's side...
As for Tin.. He meets two youngsters.. one has a HUGE ass sword.. and one looks like a maid... to me anyways >3>
But yeah.. he becomes friends with them and goes on adventures or somethin' like that..
Hey Furball.. when are you going to explain MY side of the story for once?! ugh..
I hate being left out like that DX
Excuse me while I start whining about it :|
No i'm just kiddin' XD

This is Rusted Crystal with an ending line...

"May the Raptors rip you to shreads in your sleep.. It is good for you apparently..."